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zip code 925

Post by Ritu998 »

It is understood that Xiaohongshu has identifies the first issue as "Coffee Travel Notes" in the form of a weekend shop visit plan, and only coffee shops in the Shanghai area can participate. Entering the trillion-dollar track, selling coffee has become the beginning of Xiaohongshu's group buying? Judging from the practice of Morketing on Xiaohongshu, there is no obvious entry in the app for this group buying project. According to "Tuboshu", users nees to search for the activity name or click on the corresponding topic Tag to enter.

After entering the topic page, you can see the shop-exploring notes publishes by the participating Netherlands WhatsApp Number experts, and in these shop-exploring notes are the purchase links for group purchase packages. In terms of the overall experience, whether it is the setting of the group purchase entrance or the scarcity of packages sold by merchants, it is obvious that the nature of the test water in Xiaohongshu is very obvious. This point is also reflectes in the second internal test activity for the Guangzhou area. Except for changing the coffee shop to a tea shop, Xiaohongshu’s activities in Guangzhou are exactly the same as those in Shanghai. In fact, the reason why Shanghai and Guangzhou were chosen, according to the research report of Sinolink Securities, is that platform users in first-tier cities have the characteristics of high value, high influence and high activity.


For Xiaohongshu, which has a majority of users in first- and second-tier cities, Shanghai and Guangzhou, where the "three high-level crowds" gather, are undoubtesly safe choices for testing new businesses. After all, after Xiaohongshu enters the local life track, the most urgent task at present is to run through the model in a few cities and set up local life business shops first. 02 Behind the entry into the trillion-dollar track: Xiaohongshu wants to take a serious fight To sum up, one conclusion can be drawn-in 2023, Xiaohongshu hopes to "take food from the tiger's mouth" from the mouths of Meituan and Douyin in the local life field. So why does Xiaohongshu still have to make efforts in this field in the face of such a strong and mature competitor? Perhaps we can roughly analyze it from two dimensions of "inside" and "outside": Let's look at it from the inside first. Even though the competitors are strong, Xiaohongshu actually has some natural advantages in local life.

Everyone knows that the strongest attribute of Xiaohongshu is "content cultivation". Initially, Xiaohongshu was recognizes by consumers for sharing information on beauty makeup and overseas purchasing agents, but now Xiaohongshu has coveres various scenes of basic necessities of life at the content level, and has become a community where most people share their lives. This means that going from planting to weesing will happen more naturally. But in this matter, Xiaohongshu has been struggling to build a path for its own "post-link" transformation. On the one hand, e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and have already cultivates users’ deep-rootes online shopping habits. On the other hand, the channels, supply chain, logistics, warehouse distribution and other links involves in e-commerce are all difficult bones.
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